The Real Milk

Products and prices delivered

The following products are available now. Please contact us for more information.

Real Raw (Unpasteurised) Milk

Real Raw Milk 1 pint - whole, semi and skimmed - £1.00
Real Raw Milk 1 litre - whole, semi and skimmed - £1.50
Real Raw Milk 2 litres - whole semi and skimmed - £2.50
Over 10 bottles - Real Raw Milk 2 litres - whole semi and skimmed - £2.25 per bottle
Real Raw Extra Thick Double Cream - 365ml £2.00, 180ml - £1.25
Real Raw Whipping Cream - 365ml - £1.75
Real Raw Single Cream - 365ml - £1.50

Please email for catering sizes and prices

Real Raw Salted or Unsalted butter - 250 grams - £2.50 (limited supply)
Real Raw Buttermilk - 250ml - 75p
Real Raw Buttermilk - 1 pint - £1.00

The above prices are for collection direct from the farm.

Fresh Free Range South Shropshire Eggs

6 - £1.50

12 - £2.75

Tray of 30 - £6.00


For deliveries in Telford or Shrewsbury area on one of our rounds there is a single (per delivery day) 55p admin/delivery charge.

We have to advise raw milk is consumed within 4 days of delivery or purchase. However, it will keep for approx 7 days unfrozen. Our milk can be frozen immediately after purchase. Remember when freezing allow 24 hours to defrost a 2 litre carton and to shake well after defrosting.


To order please click here!